Does your dog have a lot of energy? Is your dog bored at home after all this covid hoopla? Looking for a new and fun way to not only bond with your pup but exercise as well?
Dog agility is a sport where you direct your dog through a series of pre-set obstacle course within a certain time limit. Each course typically will have between 14-20 obstacles including tunnels, weave poles, tire jumps, seesaws and pause tables where each dog must stop and stay for a set amount of time. Think of ninja warrior but with cute fluffy dogs instead of muscle-bound men and women. Agility is very much an athletic challenge that keeps dogs fit, helps prevent obesity, increases endurance and strengthens bones and joints. Agility courses are also great mental stimulation for pet giving them the opportunity to problem solve.
What Types of Dogs can do agility?
When most people think of agility, the first breeds that come to mind are the super-fast Border Collies, Australian Shepherds and Shelties. But truly, any healthy dog can take part in agility. Our business owner, Cait, does
agility with her Toy Poodle, Karl, and is preparing her Shetland Sheepdog, Keltie, to start agility soon. They all have a blast, and so will you and your pet!
What are the benefits of agility for dogs?
- Outlet for physical and mental energy
- Helps build your dog’s confidence
- Great for developing self-control
- Helps with distraction training
- Strengthens your dog’s natural instincts
- Seeing a confident and happy pup is a goal for all pet parents
- You’ll develop greater trust & confidence in your dog
Agility helps build your bond with your dog, to develop an almost magical connection and lifelong friendship!
Wondering where to get involved with agility?
Our go to for all of our agility needs is Our Gang Pet Services in River Vale. Andrea and her staff have a vast knowledge for not only the sport but all types of dog behavior and will help you get your pet on the right path. Click here to visit their website! Don’t forget to check out their courses to see all the other great classes they offer.